Parking Lot Add-Ons: Signage & Speed Control Options

Do you have some areas on your lot that need protection from vehicles? Need traffic to travel a little slower? Do you need to add some signage to your property? Check out some parking accessories for some great solutions..


Along with pavement marking on the ground, signage helps communicate how traffic is supposed to safely flow. Certain types of signs are also great for assigning parking spaces or providing notice to visiting patrons. Signs are generally posted higher on poles or walls so they can be seen over vehicles.

Signage Products and Installation Services

  • Regulation ADA Signage
  • Stop Signs
  • Custom pole or wall signs
  • Break-away signs
  • Spring sings
  • Square, Round, or U-Channel Posts
  • Custom Post Color Powder Coating
  • Wall Mounting
  • Sign on pole with protective bollard base

Speed Bumps, Humps, and Tables

Speed bumps, humps, or tables are installed to calm traffic speeds in designated areas. The choice among them is dependent on the desired speed enforcement.

Speed Bumps are more abrupt being sized to enforce very slow travel speeds of 2-10 mph. The rise and fall angles of the bump are fairly steep. Normally placed before and after building entrances where patrons cross a travel road.

Speed Humps are more gradual being sized to enforce travel speeds of around 25-35 mph. The rise and fall angles of a speed hump are more shallow and are designed as an arc with a large radius.

Speed Tables, like Speed Humps, are more gradual being sized to enforce travel speeds of around 25-45 mph. The rise and fall angles of a speed hump are shallow and designed with a flat, table top between the ramps.

Speed Bump Products and Installation Services

  • Plastic of varying sizes, yellow or white striping, and pin-down installation.
  • Rubber of varying sizes, yellow or white striping, and pin-down installation.
  • Asphalt custom formed with hot mix asphalt as glue down or road integrated and custom painted.

Parking Bumpers

Parking bumpers, also referred to as wheel stops, are meant as a warning to drivers not to proceed further into a parking stall. Utilized to protect sign poles, landscapes, and sidewalks.

Parking Bumper Products and Installation Services

  • 4′ or 6′ standard sizes
  • Rubber Parking Bumpers, black with white or yellow stripes
  • Concrete Parking Bumpers
  • Rebar Pinning
  • Butyl Block or Epoxy Glue Down
  • Removal and Replacement Service
  • Reinstallation Service


Bollards are steel pipes of varying sizes meant to protect property fixtures or structures like fueling stations, above ground utility services, building corners, and etc. Depending on the level of protection needed, they can be bolted down or partially buried and cemented in the ground. For a more robust protection, they can be filled solid with concrete

  • Standard burial bollard, varying sizes and thickness
  • Bolt-down bollard, varying sizes and thickness
  • Easy replace bollard design and install
  • Concrete filling with domed top
  • Steel Caps, glued
  • Bollard with integrated pole and sign
  • Painting and Priming

Click here to request an estimate today.

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Parking Lot Add-Ons


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